
Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Women Handbags

Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram.

By now, all of you are probably familiar with Infinitely Kusama, the collection of ready-to-wear,Louis Vuitton handbags, shoes and accessories that Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama has designed for French luxury powerhouse Louis Vuitton. It’s clear by the sheer volume of pieces in Infinitely Kusama that Vuitton expects this collection to be a hit in the vein of past collaborations with Stephen Sprouse and Takashi Murakami. The company allowed her to speckle nearly every type of piece that it makes, including a really fun watch that I’d love to have in my collection. If you dig the K usama look but aren’t sure that a full-on handbag would find a useful spot in your bag collection, a cuff or key pouch might be exactly what you need.

  1. Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Town M40691 Blue
  2. Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Town M40692 Yellow
  3. Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Town M40693 Red
  4. Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Town M40690 White
  5. Replica Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Yayoi Kusama Monogram Town M40694 Green

Who are using them!

Here’s one of the new pieces that will form the 2nd installation of the Louis Vuitton + Yayoi Kusama collab, the Monogram Town Speedy.

Available in 5 different colours including the pair shown above, I understand that Singapore’s very own Yayoi Kusama pop-up store at Ngee Ann City will be releasing them for sale on 7 September 2012.

Introducing the Louis Vuitton + Yayoi Kusama Monogram Pumpkin Dots Keepall Bandouliere, the big-ass, bizarre and strangely alluring (at least to me, anyway) coated canvas and leather travel duffle that features one of Yayoi Kusama’s most iconic prints.

Available in only 2 colours (Green, shown above, and Red), I’ve always wanted aKeepall55 for my own collection, made even better now by the fact that it’s a limited edition offering and in a print (and colour) that I actually adore.

